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ESIC Pharmacist Exam 2014 Solved Questions Paper


Employees' State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) Pharmacist Exam 2014 Solved Questions Paper

1. Common side effect of non-Steroidal
anti inflammatory drug is________.
A. Sedation
B. Kidney damage
D. Ulceration

2. _______is a tricyclic Antidepressant
A. Amitriptyline
B. Imipramine
D. Triimipramine

3. ______is Monoamine oxidase
A. Imipramine
B. Tranylcypromine
C. Lithium citrate
D. Amitriptyline

4. Parkinson occurs due to________.
A. Depletion of dopamine
B. Excess of dopamine
C. Excess of epinephrine
D. Depletion of epinephrine

5. Mother clove is________.
A. Fruit
B. Stalk
C. Seed
D. Mature flower

6. Cardiac glycoside possess basic
nucleus of
A. Tropane
B. Triterpene
C. Quinoline
D. Cyclopenteno phenanthrene

7. Colchicine is commonly known
A. Monkshood
B. Ma Huang
C. Autumn crocus
D. Finger flower

8. Natural fibre gives test for
sulphur is_______.
B. Cotton
C. Silk
D. Jute

9. _________leaf is to be dried at 60°C
immediately after collection
A. Digitalis
B. Senna
C. Datura
D. Hyoscyamus

10. ________is a carbohydrate containing
drug obtained from Marine source
A. Agar
B. Honey
C. Acacia
D. Ispaghula

11. Dihydrofolate reductase is
inhibited by_________
A. Trimethoprim
B. Pyrimethamine
C. Methotrexate
D. All of above

12.________ is used as an adulterant
of Benzoin
A. Myrrh
B. Colophony
C. Asafoetida
D. Balsum

13. ________is used as a mosquito
A. Punarrnava
B. Hyoscyamus
C. Pyrethrum
D. Ephedra

14. Rifampicin act by
A. Binding with 30S ribosomes
B. Binding with 50S ribosomes
C. Inhibition of DNA dependent RNA
D. Inhibition of Topoisomerase enzyme

15. Myopia is characterised by one of
A. Person can see the near objects perfectly
B. Persons find difficulty in seeing the near
C. Persons can see the far objects perfectly
D. Persons can see near and far both objects
with difficulty

16. is long acting insulin
A. Globulin Zinc insulin
B. Insulin Zinc suspension
C. Protamine Zinc Insulin
D. Isophane Insulin suspension

17. Which of the following disease
is not spread by mosquito
A.Yellow fever
B. Q fever
C. Filaria
D. Dengue

18. ___ is a Selective B2 receptor
A. Salbutamol
B. Butoxamine
C. Atenolol
D. Dobutamine

19. Xanthine alkaloids acts as
A. ß lactamase inhibitor
B. GABA release inhibitor
C. Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
D.5 - HT releasing agent

20 Which of the following is used in
treatment of myasthenia gravis
A. Physostigmine
B. Neostigmine
C. Atropine
D. Diazepam

21. ___ is Selective arterial vasodilator
A. Minoxidil
B. Diazoxide
C. Hydralazine
D. Losartan

22. ___ is used as anticonvulsant
A. Pentobarbitone
B. Phenobarbitone
C. Cyclobarbitone
D. Barbitone

23. The shoulder of the cylinder
of Carbon dioxide is painted
A. Blue
B. White
C. Black
D. Grey

24. Which of these substances is
used as anticonvulsant
A. Sodium citrate
B. NaCl
C. Sodium peroxide
D. Hydrogen peroxide

25. Which one is used in radiation
A. X rays
B. Brays
C. y rays
D. Uv rays

26. Which of the following can be used for
counteraction for poisoning caused by
organophosphorus compounds
A. Naloxone
B. Pethidine
C. Pralidoxime
D. Charcoal

27. Which one of the following is a
genetically determined adverse
drug reaction
A. Addiction
B. Carcinogenicity
C. Drug induced lupus syndrome
D. Idiosyncrasy 

28. Ambulatory patients are
A. Required to admit in the ward
for treatment
B. Required to go home after taking
treatment in OPD
C. Require emergency treatment
D. None of the above

29. In a drug store, the expiry dated
drug formulation are called
A. Scrap items
B. Obsolete items
C. Surplus items
D. Dormant materials

30. Phenobarbitone is
A. Short acting barbiturates
B. Intermediate acting
C. Long acting barbiturates
D. None of the above

31. District opium officer appoints
one cultivator as
A. Durg inspector
B. Lambardar
C. Narcotic commissioner
D. Executive commissioner

32. Under which section of indian
Penal Code the drug inspector
are appointed
A. Section 23
B. Section 22
C. Section 21
D. Section 17

33. Which of the following schedule
gives standards mechanical
A. Schedule C
B. Schedule D
C. Schedule F
D. Schedule R

34. The Pharmacy Council of India is
reconstituted every — years
A. 10 years
B. 5 years
C. 2 years
D. 1 year

35. The Ointment base of mineral
origin is
A. Olive oil
B. Cottonseed oil
C. Castor oil
D. Paraffin wax

36. Isoniazid induced peripheral
neuritis can be prevented by
administration of
A. Anticonvulsant
B. Anti inflammatory agents
C. Vitamin B6
D. Vitamin B12

37. Which of the following bone
have no marrow cavity
A. Scapula
B. Clavicle
C. Ulna
D. None of above

38. Which of the following is the
function of plasma Proteins
A. Regulation of blood volume
B. Regulation of blood pressure
C. Helps in Coagulation process
D. All of the above

39. Diaphragm is a
A. Skeletal muscle
B. Smooth muscle
C. Bone cavity
D. Artery

40. Digitalis is given to the patients
suffering from
A. Congestive heart failure
B. Left Ventricle failure
C. Atrial flutter
D. All of above

41. Naloxone is a morphine
A. Agonist
B. Antagonist
C. Mixed agonist and antagonist
D. All of above

42. Colour Index indicate
A. Relative amount of WBC present per cmm of blood
B. Relative amount of haemoglobin present in single RBC
C. Relative amount of haemoglobin present in 100 WBC
D. Relative amount of RBC present per cmm of blood

43. ___ is a major lipid constituent
of the cell membrane
A. Phospholipid
B. Glycolipids
C. Cholesterol
D. Fatty acid

44. Clofibrate reduces the
A. Blood pressure
B. Heart rate
C. Elevated triglyceride level
D. Fever

45. Combined Umbelliferone test
is positive for_____.
A. Nutmeg
B. Asafoetida
C. Tolu balsam
D. Guggul

46.________ is botanical source of Indian
A. Dried leaflets of Cassia angustifolia
B. Dried leaflets of Cassia acutifolia
C. Dried leaflets of Cassia auricularia
D. Dried leaflets of Cassia obovata

47. Which oil is a natural source
of Vitamin A
A. Cod liver oil
B. Hydnocarpus
C. Castor oil
D. Shark liver oil

48. Which bark drug is used as
A. Ashoka
B. Cinnamon
C. Arjuna
D. Pterocarpus

49. Keller Killiani test is specified
A. Anthraquinone glycosides
B. Cardiac glycosides
C. Saponins
D. Flavonoids

50. Tetracycline should not be
given with
A. Milk
B. Aluminium hydroxide
C. Beet root
D. All of the above

51. Sodium metal is stored in
A. Well closed container
B. Kerosene
C. Wax
D. Methanol

52. Sodium fluoride is used to
A. Inflammation of mouth
B. Bacterial infection
C. Acidity
D. Dental carries

53.________ is used for treating
A. Selenium sulphide
B. Sulphur
C. Yellow mercuric oxide
D. Titanium dioxide

54. Carban dioxide is used as
A. Antacid
B. Acidifier
C. Buffer
D. Respiratory stimulant

55. Which of the following conditions
is not associated with ischaemic heart disease
A. Angina pectoris
B. Hypertension
C. Myocardial infarction
D. Congestive heart disease

56. Mordant black is used as an
indicator in the titration of
A. Calcium lactate
B. Sodium acetate
C. Ammonium chloride
D. Hydrogen peroxide

57. The plasticizer used in coating
solution is
A. Polyethylene glycol
B. Castor oil
C. Propylene glycol
D. All of the above

58. Which one of the following is used
vulcanizing agent for rubber
A. Zno
B. Sulphur
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Zinc sulphate

59._______ sterilise talcum powder
most effectively
A. Dry heat
B. Autoclaving
C. Gaseous sterilization
D. Freeze drying

60. The formation of wings or ragged
extending edges about periphery
of the tablet is called
A. Mottling
B. Picking
C. Whiskering
D. Capping

61. The Pharmacy Council of India is
constituted by the
A. Central government
B. State government
C. Parliament
D. President

62. "Herapathite" is formed in incompatibility
A. Alkaloidal salt with alkaline substances
B. Alkaloidal salt with soluble barbiturate
C. Alkaloidal salt with soluble iodides
D. Liquorice liquid extract

63. The famous brand “ENO" is an
example of
A. Effervescent granules
B. Dry sealed sachets
C. Tablet triturate
D. Powder

64. "Zephiran" is a_______surfactant
A. Anionic
B. Cationic
C. Non-ionic
D. Ampholytics

65. Butylated hydroxyl toluene is
used as
A. an antibacterial
B. an antioxidant
C. a suspending agent
D. a coloring agent

66. Glycerine suppositories containing
92% glycerine are solidified by addition of
A. White wax
B. Stearic acid
C. Sodium stearate
D. PEG 4000

67. Who publish the Indian Pharmacopoeia
A. Central Governor
B. Central Drug Laboratory
C. Ministry of Health and Family welfare
D. Central Indian Pharmacopoeal

68. The lead acetate cotton wool is
used in the limit test for arsenic to
A. Make the arsine gas
B. Develop the yellow colour
C. Trap the Hydrogen Sulphide gas
D. None

69. Washing soda is common name
B. Na2CO3
C. K2CO3

70. __is known as Milk of magnesia
A. Suspension of Mg (OH)2
B. Suspension of Mgo
C. Suspension of MgCO3
D. Suspension of Milk and MgO


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